DHS Assam Grade III (Technical) Cut Off Marks 2025

By Shahadat Ali

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DHS Assam Grade III (Technical) Cut Off Marks

DHS Assam Grade III (Technical) Cut Off Marks play a crucial role in determining the selection process for candidates applying for various positions under the Directorate of Health Services, Assam. The cut-off marks are the minimum marks required for candidates to qualify for the next stage in the recruitment process.

In this blog, we will cover everything you need to know about the DHS Assam Grade III (Technical) Cut Off Marks, including how they are determined, the expected cut-off for 2024, factors affecting the cut-off, and how to check the official cut-off marks.

Overview of DHS Assam Grade III (Technical) Recruitment

The Directorate of Health Services, Assam (DHS Assam), conducts recruitment for various Grade III (Technical) positions, including Auxiliary Nurse Midwife (ANM), Staff Nurse, and Staff Nurse (Critical Care). In 2024, the recruitment drive offers a total of 919 vacancies, and the selection process involves a written exam, document verification, and other criteria.

To proceed to the next stage, candidates must meet the cut-off marks set by the DHS Assam. These marks help to shortlist candidates based on their performance in the written exam.

What are Cut Off Marks?

Cut-off marks refer to the minimum qualifying marks set by the exam conducting body for various stages of the recruitment process. These marks help determine whether a candidate qualifies for the next round of selection, such as interviews or document verification. Candidates who score above or equal to the cut-off are eligible for further stages, while those who score below it are disqualified.

How are DHS Assam Grade III (Technical) Cut Off Marks Determined?

DHS Assam determines the Grade III (Technical) cut-off marks based on several factors:

1. Number of Vacancies

  • Example: In the 2022 recruitment cycle, DHS Assam announced 1,000 vacancies for Grade III (Technical) positions. This relatively high number of vacancies contributed to a moderate cut-off mark, as more candidates could be accommodated.

2. Total Number of Applicants

  • Example: For the 2022 cycle, approximately 50,000 candidates applied for the Grade III (Technical) positions. This high number of applicants increased competition, influencing the cut-off marks to ensure only the most qualified candidates advanced.

3. Difficulty Level of the Exam

  • Example: The 2021 examination was noted for its higher difficulty level compared to previous years. Consequently, the cut-off marks were slightly lower to ensure a sufficient number of candidates qualified for the next stage.

4. Reservation Policies

  • Example: In the 2020 recruitment cycle, the cut-off marks for the General category were set at 70, while for OBC/MOBC, SC, and ST categories, the cut-off marks were 65, 60, and 55 respectively, reflecting the reservation policies in place.
  • Example: Analyzing the cut-off marks from 2019 to 2023, there has been a gradual increase in cut-off marks, with the General category cut-off rising from 65 in 2019 to 75 in 2023. This trend indicates increasing competition and possibly higher performance levels among candidates.

Expected DHS Assam Grade III (Technical) Cut Off Marks 2025

The cut-off marks for DHS Assam Grade III (Technical) 2024 will be available after the written examination is conducted on 12th January 2025. Based on previous trends, here’s an estimate of the cut-off marks for different categories:

Post NameCategoryExpected Cut Off Marks
Auxiliary Nurse MidwifeGeneral60-70
ST (P)45-55
ST (H)45-55
Staff NurseGeneral65-75
ST (P)50-60
ST (H)50-60
Staff Nurse (Critical Care)General70-80
ST (P)55-65
ST (H)55-65

Note: These are expected cut-off marks and may change based on the factors mentioned earlier. The official cut-off will be released after the exam results are announced.

Previous Year Cut Off Marks for DHS Assam Grade III (Technical): 2019 – 2023

To give you a better idea of the cut-off trends for DHS Assam Grade III (Technical) recruitment, here is a detailed table showing the cut-off marks from the previous five years. The table includes different categories and positions, making it easier for you to compare past data.

YearCategoryCut-Off Marks
ST (P)70
ST (H)68
ST (P)69
ST (H)66
ST (P)72
ST (H)70
ST (P)74
ST (H)71
ST (P)70
ST (H)67

Note: These cut-off marks are based on previous recruitment data and can fluctuate depending on the competition, vacancies, and exam difficulty level.

  • All marks are represented in percentages
  • OBC/MOBC: Other Backward Classes/More Other Backward Classes
  • SC: Scheduled Castes
  • ST(P): Scheduled Tribes (Plains)
  • ST(H): Scheduled Tribes (Hills)
  • EWS: Economically Weaker Sections

Steps to Check DHS Assam Grade III (Technical) Cut Off Marks

To check the DHS Assam Grade III (Technical) Cut Off Marks, follow these simple steps:

  1. Go to the official website of DHS Assam.
  2. Look for the recruitment section for the Grade III (Technical) posts.
  3. Once the cut-off marks are released, a link to the cut-off marks will be available.
  4. Download the cut-off marks PDF and find your category and post-specific cut-off.
  5. Compare your exam score with the cut-off to know whether you qualify for the next stage.
Link NameLink
DHS Assam Official WebsiteClick Here
Download Answer Key (when available)Click Here
DHS Assam Grade III (Technical) Recruitment 2024Click Here
Result Declaration Page (when available)Click Here
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The DHS Assam Grade III (Technical) Cut Off Marks are essential for candidates who are preparing for the recruitment exams. Keep an eye on the official website for updates and ensure you meet the cut-off marks to qualify for the next stage. Best of luck to all candidates!


What are the cut-off marks for DHS Assam Grade III (Technical) 2025?

The cut-off marks will be released after the written exam is conducted on 12th January 2025. Candidates can check the official website for updates.

How are cut-off marks determined?

Cut-off marks are determined based on factors like the number of vacancies, total applicants, exam difficulty, and reservation policies.

Is there any category-wise cut-off for DHS Assam Grade III (Technical)?

Yes, there is a separate cut-off for each category (General, OBC, SC, ST, PwBD), and the cut-off is typically lower for reserved categories.

Where can I check the DHS Assam Grade III (Technical) Cut Off Marks?

The cut-off marks will be available on the official DHS Assam website after the exam results are announced.

Can I expect the cut-off to be lower in 2025?

The cut-off marks may vary each year based on various factors, so it’s difficult to predict. However, based on the number of vacancies and applicants, the cut-off could either increase or decrease.

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Shahadat Ali

Shahadat Ali is a CSE graduate with 5 years of experience as an educator in both government and private organizations. At Assam Career Guide, he combines his knowledge and teaching expertise to create informative content about careers, job opportunities, and educational guidance. Ali helps job seekers and students understand career paths, providing clear and practical advice based on his extensive experience in education and content writing.

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