ITBP Recruitment Syllabus 2024 – A Complete Guide for SI, Constable, and Head Constable Post

By Alamin Hoque

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ITBP Recruitment Syllabus

The Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) is inviting applications for 526 vacancies for Sub-Inspector (SI), Head Constable, and Constable posts in 2024. For aspirants seeking to join one of India’s premier paramilitary forces, understanding the syllabus and exam pattern is the first step toward a successful recruitment journey. This guide provides a comprehensive breakdown of the syllabus, exam structure, and preparation strategies to excel in the ITBP Recruitment 2024.

ITBP Recruitment 2024 Overview

The ITBP Recruitment 2024 offers 526 vacancies across three categories: Sub-Inspector (SI), Head Constable, and Constable. This opportunity is ideal for candidates eager to serve the nation by joining this esteemed paramilitary organization.

ITBP Selection Process Explained

Selection Stages

The selection process for ITBP Recruitment 2024 includes the following stages:

  1. Physical Efficiency Test (PET): Qualifying round to test physical fitness.
  2. Physical Standard Test (PST): Evaluation of physical measurements.
  3. Written Examination: Objective-type test assessing knowledge and aptitude.
  4. Skill/Trade Test: Applicable for specific posts.
  5. Document Verification: Checking eligibility and credentials.
  6. Medical Examination: Ensuring candidates meet the required medical standards.

Process Overview

PETPhysical endurance testsAll posts
PSTMeasurement of height, chest, and weightAll posts
Written ExamObjective test covering multiple subjectsAll posts
Skill/Trade TestEvaluation of job-specific skillsConstable (specific roles)
Document VerificationChecking documents for eligibilityAll posts
Medical ExaminationComprehensive health checkAll posts

Complete Exam Pattern for ITBP Recruitment 2024

SI Exam Pattern

SubjectNo. of QuestionsMarks
General Awareness3030
General English/Hindi3030
Reasoning Ability3030

Head Constable/Constable Exam Pattern

SubjectNo. of QuestionsMarks
General Awareness2525
General English/Hindi2525
Reasoning Ability2525

General Awareness Syllabus

This section assesses knowledge of current events, history, culture, and science.

  • Current Affairs (National and International)
  • Indian History and Freedom Struggle
  • Indian Constitution
  • Geography and Polity
  • General Science and Environmental Studies
  • Sports, Awards, and Honors
TopicSub-topicsDetailsTypes of QuestionsExample Problem
Current AffairsNational and international eventsSports, politics, awards, and global happeningsSpecific questions, fill-in blanksWho won the Nobel Prize in 2023?
Indian HistoryAncient, medieval, and modernFreedom struggle, key events, historical figuresTimeline and personality-based QsWho was the first President of India?
GeographyPhysical, political, economicMajor rivers, capitals, natural resourcesMaps, Q&AWhat is the capital of Gujarat?
Indian PolityConstitution and key amendmentsArticles, governance structureDirect questions, fill-in blanksWhat does Article 370 pertain to?
General SciencePhysics, Chemistry, BiologyBasic 10th-grade science conceptsApplication-based questionsWhat is the chemical symbol for water?
EconomyIndian and global economic principlesBanking terms, inflation, GDPMultiple-choice, short answersDefine GDP
Environmental IssuesClimate change, global policiesEnvironmental conservation and concernsCurrent event-based Q&AWhat is the Greenhouse Effect?
Computer AwarenessBasics, types of softwareComputer parts, history of computingDirect or conceptual questionsDefine OS

Mathematics Syllabus

The Mathematics section assesses basic numerical ability and problem-solving skills. Key topics include:

  • Number System
  • Decimals and Fractions
  • Profit, Loss, and Discount
  • Time, Speed, and Distance
  • Simple and Compound Interest
  • Ratio and Proportion
  • Geometry and Mensuration
TopicSub-topicsDetailsTypes of QuestionsExample Problem
Number SystemWhole numbers, integers, fractionsBasic arithmetic operations and propertiesSimple calculations, integer-basedFind the LCM of 12 and 15
Decimals & FractionsAddition, subtraction, multiplicationConversion between decimals and fractionsFraction-to-decimal conversionConvert 34\frac{3}{4}43​ to decimal
LCM & HCFLeast Common Multiple, Highest Common FactorProblems involving divisibility and multiplesWord problems with LCM/HCFFind HCF of 54 and 81
Ratio & ProportionDirect and inverse ratiosUsed in real-world problems like comparisonsRatio simplificationDivide Rs. 500 in a 2:3 ratio
PercentageBasic percentage, increase/decreaseApplications in discounts, profit & loss, interestPercentage calculationsCalculate 15% of 200
Simple & Compound InterestBasic and cumulative interestFinance-related calculationsInterest over time, cumulative CICI on Rs. 1000 at 10% for 2 years
MensurationArea, volume, perimeterGeometry of 2D and 3D shapesThe area of a circle, the volume of a cylinderFind the area of a rectangle (5×3 cm)
AlgebraBasic equations, linear/quadraticEquation solving and manipulationsSolve for x in given equationsSolve 3x+2=113x + 2 = 113x+2=11

Focus on high-weightage areas like Ratio & Proportion, Interest, and Algebra, as they frequently appear in exams.

General Intelligence & Reasoning Syllabus

The General Intelligence & Reasoning section evaluates logical ability and analytical thinking. Key topics include:

  • Analogies
  • Coding-Decoding
  • Blood Relations
  • Puzzles and Seating Arrangements
  • Direction Sense
  • Series and Patterns
TopicSub-topicsDetailsTypes of QuestionsExample Problem
AnalogiesWord, number, image analogiesIdentifying relationships between itemsOdd one out, pattern sequencesDog: Puppy:: Cat 😕 (Kitten)
Coding-DecodingLetter, number codesDecoding patterns and translating coded messagesLetter shifting, word patternsIf A=1, B=2, find CAT=?
PuzzlesLinear, seating arrangementsSolving for positions and logical arrangementsSeating or box arrangementsArrange A, B, and C linearly
SeriesNumber, alphabetical, logicalCompleting sequences by identifying patternsNumber or letter seriesFind the next in 2, 5, 8,? (11)
Data SufficiencyBasic info-checkDetermining if data suffices to solve a problemSufficiency checksIs the value of x even?
Decision MakingScenario-based choicesChoosing optimal solutions for scenariosBest solution selectionShortest route to destination
Venn DiagramsGroup relations and set theoryIdentifying intersections in groups or categoriesOverlapping groupsRepresent students liking A & B
Statement & ConclusionLogical deductionsDrawing valid conclusions from statementsDeductive reasoningIf all apples are fruits…?

English/Hindi Language

Tests language proficiency.

  • Grammar (Nouns, Pronouns, Verbs, Tenses, etc.)
  • Vocabulary and Synonyms/Antonyms
  • Sentence Completion
  • Comprehension Passages
  • Error Detection

Hindi Language Syllabus

The Hindi Language section evaluates grammar, vocabulary, and comprehension skills.

TopicSub-topicsDetailsTypes of QuestionsExample Problem
वर्णमाला और शब्द रचनास्वर, व्यंजन, शब्द निर्माणहिंदी वर्णमाला और शब्दों के निर्माण पर आधारित प्रश्नवर्ण पहचान, शब्द निर्माणशब्द ‘विद्यालय’ को तोड़कर लिखें।
संधि और समाससंधि के प्रकार, समास के प्रकारसंधि विच्छेद, समास का अर्थ निकालने वाले प्रश्नसंधि विच्छेद, समास का नाम बताना‘राजपुत्र’ का समास बताइए।
संधि विच्छेदस्वर, व्यंजन, यण संधिसंधि को अलग करके पहचाननासंधि अलग करें‘विद्या+आलय’ का विच्छेद कीजिए।
वाक्य रचना और वाक्य भेदसाधारण, संयुक्त, मिश्रित वाक्यवाक्य परिवर्तन और पहचानवाक्य रूपांतरण, भेद पूछे जाने वालेवाक्य को संयुक्त से साधारण में बदलें।
विलोम और पर्यायवाचीविलोम शब्द, समानार्थक शब्दशब्दों के विपरीत और समानार्थ शब्दविलोम और पर्याय चुनना‘अमृत’ का विलोम बताइए।
मुहावरे और लोकोक्तियांहिंदी में प्रचलित मुहावरे और अर्थमुहावरे और उनके अर्थअर्थ लिखना, प्रयोग करना‘नाक कटना’ का अर्थ लिखें।
गद्यांशअनुच्छेद और प्रश्नगद्यांश पढ़कर उत्तर देनागद्यांश आधारित प्रश्नदिए गए अनुच्छेद से उत्तर लिखें।
शुद्ध-अशुद्ध वर्तनीव्याकरणिक रूप से सही वाक्यवाक्य और वर्तनी की अशुद्धियों को सुधारनाअशुद्ध वर्तनी पहचाननावाक्य की शुद्धता जांचें: “वृक्ष खडें है।”

Focus Areas: गद्यांश, व्याकरण (संधि, समास), और वाक्य रचना पर अधिक ध्यान दें क्योंकि ये अक्सर पूछे जाते हैं।

English Language Syllabus

The English Language section assesses grammar, vocabulary, comprehension, and writing skills.

TopicSub-topicsDetailsTypes of QuestionsExample Problem
GrammarTenses, Articles, PrepositionsSentence formation, correction, and completionError spotting, fill-in-the-blanksSpot the error: “She are going home.”
VocabularySynonyms, Antonyms, HomonymsWord meanings, opposites, and contextual usageMatching, word substitutionFind the synonym of “Happy.”
Idioms and PhrasesCommon English idioms and phrasesUnderstanding and usage in sentencesMeaning-based questionsExplain: “Once in a blue moon.”
ComprehensionReading passagesUnderstanding and interpreting written textsPassage-based questionsRead the passage and answer the question.
Sentence CorrectionGrammar and vocabulary checksIdentifying and correcting errorsSpot the error“He do not like apples.” (Correct it)
Active and Passive VoiceChanging the voice of sentencesConversion of active sentences to passive and vice versaVoice conversionConvert: “He writes a letter.”
Direct and Indirect SpeechReported speechChanging speech formsConversion-based questionsConvert: He said, “I am fine.”
Parts of SpeechNouns, Pronouns, Adjectives, etc.Usage and function of different parts of speechIdentification and applicationIdentify the noun in the sentence.

Focus Areas: Comprehension, Vocabulary (Synonyms, Antonyms), and Grammar (Tenses, Voice) as these are commonly tested.

Physical Standard Test (PST)

PST is conducted to ensure candidates meet the minimum physical measurements required for ITBP roles.

CategoryHeight (in cm)Chest (in cm) (Males only)Weight
General/SC/OBC (Male)17080-85Proportionate to height
General/SC/OBC (Female)157N/AProportionate to height
ST (Male)162.576-81Proportionate to height
ST (Female)150N/AProportionate to height

Physical Efficiency Test (PET)

PET evaluates the physical endurance of candidates through practical activities.

Running1.6 km in 7.5 minutes800 meters in 5 minutes
Long Jump11 feet (3 attempts)9 feet (3 attempts)
High Jump3.5 feet (3 attempts)3 feet (3 attempts)
  • Candidates must clear all events to qualify for the next stage.
  • No relaxation in PET requirements is allowed.
SubjectRecommended Books
General KnowledgeLucent’s General Knowledge, Manorama Yearbook
MathematicsQuantitative Aptitude by R.S. Aggarwal
Reasoning AbilityA Modern Approach to Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning by R.S. Aggarwal
English LanguageObjective General English by S.P. Bakshi
Hindi LanguageSamanya Hindi by Hardev Bahri

Strategic Preparation Plan for ITBP 2024

Time SlotActivityFocus Area
Morning (6-8 AM)Physical TrainingRunning, Jumping
Late Morning (10-12 PM)General Knowledge RevisionNews, Static GK
Afternoon (2-4 PM)Reasoning and Mathematics PracticeHigh-weightage topics
Evening (6-8 PM)Mock Tests and RevisionExam Pattern Familiarity

Common Mistakes to Avoid During Preparation

  1. Skipping Physical Training: Regular physical exercise is crucial for clearing PET.
  2. Ignoring Weak Areas: Focus equally on all subjects.
  3. Overlooking Updates: Stay informed about recruitment changes on the official ITBP website.

Latest Updates and Syllabus Changes for ITBP Recruitment 2024

Stay updated on official announcements via the ITBP website to ensure no syllabus or schedule changes are missed.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the total number of vacancies for ITBP Recruitment 2024?

The recruitment drive offers 526 vacancies.

What are the qualifying stages for ITBP?

PET, PST, Written Exam, Skill Test (if applicable), Document Verification, and Medical Examination.

Is the syllabus different for SI and Constable roles?

The core syllabus is similar, but difficulty levels vary based on the post.

Are there negative markings in the written exam?

Yes, negative marking applies (specific details will be in the official notification).

How can I prepare for the physical tests?

Begin regular endurance training and follow ITBP’s specified physical standards.

Alamin Hoque

Alamin Hoque is a experienced and passionate writer who loves helping students and job seekers. At Assam Career Guide, he writes about government jobs, scholarships, and career tips. His goal is to make important information easy to understand and help people find great opportunities.

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