ONGC Class I Executive Posts Syllabus and Exam Pattern

By Alamin Hoque

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ONGC Class I Executive Posts Syllabus and Exam Pattern

The Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) has announced a golden opportunity for candidates aspiring to Class I Executive roles in various engineering and technical disciplines. With 108 vacancies, understanding the syllabus and exam pattern is vital for effective preparation. This guide provides a detailed overview of the ONGC syllabus, exam structure, and preparation strategies.

Process Overview

The ONGC recruitment process thoroughly evaluates candidates’ technical knowledge, analytical skills, and industry-related expertise through a Computer-Based Test (CBT) and document verification stages.

ONGC Selection Process

StageDescriptionApplicable Posts
Written ExaminationCBT assesses technical knowledge and general aptitude.All applicants
Personal InterviewVerification of academic and professional credentials.Shortlisted candidates

ONGC Exam Pattern

CBT (Written Exam)Concerned Subject40
General Awareness10
English Language10
Total CBT Marks85
InterviewPersonal Interaction15
Total Interview Marks15

Total Marks: 100

  • Duration: 2 hours
  • CBT: 85
  • Interview: 15
  • Negative Marking: 0.25 marks are deducted for each incorrect answer.

Syllabus for ONGC Class I Executive Posts

Written Examination

1. Mechanical Engineering

Engineering MathematicsLinear Algebra, Calculus, Differential Equations, Complex Variables, Probability & Statistics5Solve eigenvalue problems or evaluate vector integrals.
Thermal SciencesFluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer, Thermodynamics, Power Cycles.10Analyze fluid flow in a pipeline or calculate the efficiency of a Rankine cycle.
Machine DesignDesign of Machine Elements, Failure Theories, Fatigue, Shafts, Gears.7Design a shaft for a given load or calculate the safety factor for a gear system.
ManufacturingCasting, Forming, Welding, Machining Processes, Additive Manufacturing.7Questions on defects in casting or optimization of tool life during machining.
Applied MechanicsStress-Strain, Kinematics, Dynamics, Vibrations.6Solve for stresses in a cantilever beam or analyze the motion of a mechanism.
General AwarenessONGC Operations, Current Affairs, Energy Sector.10Identify ONGC’s recent oil discovery projects.
AptitudeQuantitative Aptitude, Logical Reasoning, Data Interpretation.25Solve seating arrangement puzzles or analyze numerical data.
English LanguageGrammar, Vocabulary, Comprehension.10Identify grammatical errors or interpret comprehension passages.

2. Electrical Engineering

Engineering MathematicsLinear Algebra, Calculus, Differential Equations, Complex Variables, Probability & Statistics.5Solve eigenvalue problems, evaluate integrals, or calculate the mean and standard deviation.
Electric CircuitsNetwork Theorems, Resonance, Transient Response, Two-Port Networks.5Solve for current using Thevenin’s theorem or calculate resonance frequency.
Electromagnetic FieldsElectrostatics, Magnetostatics, Maxwell’s Equations, Electromagnetic Waves.5Analyze wave propagation or calculate the magnetic field in a loop.
Electrical MachinesTransformers, DC Machines, Induction Machines, Synchronous Machines, Special Machines.7Analyze torque-speed characteristics of an induction motor or calculate transformer efficiency.
Power SystemsPower Generation, Transmission Lines, Fault Analysis, Load Flow, and Protection Systems.5Solve load flow problems using the Gauss-Seidel method or explain transformer protection schemes.
Control SystemsOpen/Closed-Loop Systems, Stability Analysis, Controllers, State-Space Analysis.5Design a PID controller or analyze system stability using Bode plots.
Analog & Digital ElectronicsDiodes, Transistors, Amplifiers, Op-Amps, Logic Circuits, A/D & D/A Converters.4Design a 4-bit counter or analyze the frequency response of an amplifier.
Power ElectronicsSemiconductor Devices, Converters (Buck, Boost), Inverters, PWM Techniques.4Design a Buck converter or analyze the output waveform of an inverter.
Measurements & InstrumentationMeasurement Techniques, Transducers, Digital Instruments.5Explain how to measure power factor or describe a digital oscilloscope’s working.
General AwarenessONGC-Specific Topics, Current Affairs, Energy Sector Knowledge.10Identify ONGC projects or describe recent energy sector developments.
AptitudeQuantitative Aptitude, Logical Reasoning, Data Interpretation.25Solve seating arrangement puzzles or analyze numerical data.
English LanguageGrammar, Vocabulary, Comprehension.10Identify grammatical errors or answer questions based on a passage.

3. Petroleum Engineering

Drilling TechnologyRig Operations, Drilling Fluids, Well Completion10Identify tools used in offshore drilling or calculate fluid loss in wells.
Reservoir EngineeringFluid Flow, Recovery Mechanisms, Pressure Analysis10Calculate reservoir pressure drop or analyze fluid flow in a porous medium.
Production OperationsArtificial Lift Methods, Field Processing, Metering10Explain gas lift systems or describe the operation of a separator.
Offshore & Onshore OperationsSubsea Technology, Well Testing, Platform Management5Questions on offshore rig stability or well-stimulation techniques.
Health, Safety, and EnvironmentSafety Protocols, Disaster Management, Environmental Impact5Develop safety measures for a gas processing plant or evaluate the environmental impact of spills.
General AwarenessONGC Projects, Energy Sector Updates10Identify ONGC’s contributions to renewable energy.
AptitudeQuantitative Aptitude, Logical Reasoning25Solve problems involving numerical patterns or logical relationships.
English LanguageGrammar, Vocabulary, Comprehension10Answer comprehension questions or identify grammar errors.

4. Geology and Geophysics

GeologyStructural Geology, Petrophysics, Stratigraphy, Geochemistry.10Interpret geological maps or analyze the petrophysical properties of a formation.
GeophysicsSeismology, Well Logging, Remote Sensing, GIS.10Solve problems with seismic wave propagation or logging interpretation.
Mineralogy & PetrologyCrystal Symmetry, Rock Types, Rock Mechanics.7Questions on the classification of igneous rocks or mineral properties.
HydrogeologyGroundwater Flow, Well Hydraulics, Water Quality.6Analyze aquifer recharge or water-rock interaction.
Environmental GeologyNatural Hazards, Climate Change, Resource Management.7Assess the impact of drilling operations on ecosystems or mitigation measures for landslides.
General AwarenessONGC Exploration Activities, Current Affairs.10Questions on ONGC’s petroleum reserves or energy sector trends.
AptitudeQuantitative Aptitude, Logical Reasoning.25Solve numerical reasoning puzzles or data interpretation tasks.
English LanguageGrammar, Vocabulary, Comprehension.10Identify synonyms/antonyms or summarize comprehension passages.

5. Chemical Engineering

Process CalculationsMass/Energy Balances, Recycle, Phase Equilibria.10Solve material balance problems for distillation columns.
ThermodynamicsLaws of Thermodynamics, Fugacity, Chemical Reactions.10Calculate the efficiency of a refrigeration cycle or predict reaction equilibrium.
Mass TransferDistillation, Absorption, Leaching, Extraction.7Design a distillation column for separating components.
Heat TransferConduction, Convection, Radiation, Heat Exchangers.7Analyze the thermal efficiency of a shell-and-tube heat exchanger.
Instrumentation & ControlProcess Control, Sensors, PID Controllers.6Design a control loop or select appropriate transducers for a process.
Chemical Reaction EngineeringReactor Design, Reaction Kinetics, Catalysis.5Solve for conversion in a chemical reactor using first-order kinetics.
General AwarenessONGC Chemical Operations, Current Affairs.10Questions on ONGC’s LPG production processes or recent petrochemical advances.
AptitudeQuantitative Aptitude, Logical Reasoning.25Analyze numerical data or solve logical reasoning problems.
English LanguageGrammar, Vocabulary, Comprehension.10Write synonyms/antonyms or summarize passages.

General Awareness Syllabus

Current AffairsNational and international events, government schemes, and economic updates.2Questions about recent energy sector developments or government policies.
ONGC-Specific TopicsONGC operations, projects, and contributions to the energy sector.2Identify ONGC’s latest oil exploration projects or renewable energy initiatives.
Indian EconomyEconomic terms, GDP, inflation, and budget highlights.1Define inflation or explain the significance of the Union Budget.
Science and TechnologyRecent advancements, space exploration, and energy innovations.1Questions on ISRO missions or renewable energy technologies.
History and CultureIndian independence movement, cultural heritage, and prominent historical events.1Identify leaders of the Indian independence struggle or cultural landmarks.
GeographyPhysical geography, Indian geography, and world geography.1Explain the monsoon system in India or locate major petroleum reserves globally.
PolityIndian Constitution, governance structure, and important acts.1Questions on fundamental rights or key constitutional amendments.
Environment and EcologyEnvironmental laws, climate change, and sustainability initiatives.1Assess the impact of deforestation or identify sustainable energy practices.

Total Marks: 10

Aptitude Syllabus

Quantitative Aptitude15
ArithmeticPercentages, profit, and loss, ratio and proportion, averages.5Calculate the percentage profit in a transaction.
AlgebraLinear equations, quadratic equations, and polynomials.3Solve for x in a quadratic equation.
Geometry and MensurationArea, volume, perimeter, angles, and trigonometry basics.4Calculate the surface area of a cylinder or find the angle in a triangle.
Data InterpretationGraphs, charts, and tables.3Interpret data from a bar graph or pie chart.
Logical Reasoning10
PuzzlesSeating arrangement, blood relations, and logical sequencing.4Solve a family tree puzzle or seating arrangement problem.
Pattern RecognitionNumber series, letter series, and analogy.3Find the missing number in a series or identify analogies.
Syllogisms and StatementsStatement-conclusion and cause-effect relationships.2Identify the correct conclusion from a set of statements.
Coding-DecodingAlphanumeric codes, symbol substitution.1Decode a message using a given coding pattern.

Total Marks: 25

English Language

Parts of SpeechNouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, interjections.2Identify the parts of speech in a given sentence.
Sentence StructureSubject-verb agreement, modifiers, and parallel structure.1Correct errors in subject-verb agreement.
TensesPresent, past, and future tenses with appropriate usage.1Convert a sentence into the correct tense.
Synonyms and AntonymsIdentify words with similar or opposite meanings.1.5Find the synonym of “benevolent” or the antonym of “hostile.”
Idioms and PhrasesCommon English idioms and their meanings.1Explain the meaning of “burning the midnight oil.”
Word UsageCorrect usage of words in context.0.5Choose the correct word to complete a sentence.
Passage ReadingUnderstanding and interpreting written text.2Answer questions based on a given passage.
Sentence RearrangementRearranging jumbled sentences to form coherent paragraphs.1Arrange sentences to create a meaningful paragraph.
Error DetectionIdentifying grammatical or contextual errors in sentences.2Spot the grammatical error in a given sentence.

Total Marks: 10

Key Features of Post-Specific Syllabus

  • Engineering roles emphasize technical expertise in respective disciplines.
  • Science roles require domain-specific knowledge and industry applications.
TopicRecommended Books
General AwarenessLucent’s General Knowledge
Technical KnowledgeGATE Preparation Books (Discipline-Specific)
Reasoning and AptitudeA Modern Approach to Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning by R.S. Aggarwal
EnglishWord Power Made Easy by Norman Lewis

Strategic Preparation Plan for ONGC Recruitment 2025

Time SlotActivityFocus Area
MorningSubject RevisionCore Technical Knowledge
AfternoonMock TestsFamiliarity with Exam Pattern
EveningCurrent Affairs and ReasoningGeneral Awareness and Analytical Skills

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  1. Ignoring Post-Specific Preparation: Focus on the technical knowledge section as it carries the most weight.
  2. Skipping Mock Tests: Regular practice is crucial for time management.
  3. Neglecting ONGC Updates: Stay informed about organizational updates through official channels.
ONGC Official WebsiteClick Here
Recruitment NotificationClick Here
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ONGC Recruitment 2025 offers an exceptional opportunity for candidates to join one of India’s leading public sector enterprises. A clear understanding of the syllabus, exam pattern, and dedicated preparation can help you secure your dream role. Start your journey today and aim for success!


What are the eligibility criteria for ONGC posts?

Candidates must meet the educational and professional qualifications outlined in the official notification.

How many vacancies are available?

A total of 108 vacancies have been announced.

Is there a negative mark on the exam?

Yes, 0.25 marks are deducted for every incorrect answer.

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Alamin Hoque

Alamin Hoque is a experienced and passionate writer who loves helping students and job seekers. At Assam Career Guide, he writes about government jobs, scholarships, and career tips. His goal is to make important information easy to understand and help people find great opportunities.

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